
At Central Methodist Church there are many joyful activities to take part in, young or old. Why not come along and join us?

  • Monday –
    • Bible Journalling – 2pm – 2nd Monday of the month
  • Tuesday –
    • Toddler group – £2 per child – see our Facebook page
    • Rest Stop – Dementia Friendly café – Every 2nd & 4th Tuesday in the month from 2pm to 4pm
      £2.50 per person – Includes: Refreshments, activities, Chat, Friendship, Info and Support
      Call 07870 658915 for more details
    • Tappers – 1:15pm -2.15pm
  • Wednesday –
    • Table Tennis – 10am to 12noon – £2 per person
  • Thursday –
    • Art Group – Time: 10am-12noon – £2 per person
    • Ladies afternoon fellowship – All meetings in the link at 2pm, unless otherwise stated
      • Thursday 16th May
      • Thursday 20th June
      • Thursday 18th July,
      • August – No Meeting,
      • Thursday 19th September – AGM,
      • Thursday 17th October,
      • Thursday 21st November,
      • Thursday 12th December – Christmas Activity to be announced.
  • Friday –
    • Open to all – coffee from 10:30
    • Open Door Lunch served at 12noon
    • Foodbank 1-3pm – see foodbank page for further details
    • Choir Singing – 2pm 1st Friday of the month – Free to join and all welcome!
  • Saturday –
    • Coffee, cake and chat 10-12
  • Sunday –
    • Morning worship – 10:30am – link to Facebook
    • Gather at The Well – 1st Sunday in each month – Band Led worship, refreshments and table talks
    • Youth Group – Sunday evening – open dates to be released

We are also delighted to host / be home to:

An enthusiastic walking group that organises regular events ranging from local rambles to a full days walking of varying lengths. All ages and abilities welcome.

Flower Team
We have a talented group who provide wonderful displays in Church and on special occasions. Members of the team organise flowers every week to be delivered to those in need or who are ill. Every few years they organise a Flower Festival using a themed approach. Members of the Church can provide flowers in memory of a loved one or to celebrate an anniversary.

Ladies Afternoon Fellowship
This very successful, long-standing group meets twice a month and has great support. Enjoying a wide and varied programme of events, trips out and discussions around interesting topics. All ladies welcome – see church notices for further information.
Please see meeting dates and times above.